Cook Time: 1 hour
Region of the world: USA (South Carolina)
Recipe inspired by: Treva, At Her Table
This recipe was provided by At Her Table - a collection of recipes and stories from women all over the world. For more, follow @_at_her_table_ on Instagram.
- One 8 oz. box of elbow noodles, cooked and drained
- One 8 oz. bag shredded sharp cheddar cheese
- One 8 oz. bag shredded medium cheddar cheese
- 1/2 8 oz. block extra sharp cheddar cheese, sliced
- 1 stick of unsalted butter, sliced
- 1 egg
- 1 can evaporated milk
1. After cooking and draining the noodles, put a layer of macaroni noodles in a baking dish. Cover with one of the packs of shredded cheese then place about half of the slices of butter on top of that. Add some slices of the block cheese on top.
2. Repeat the layering of noodles, shredded cheese, butter slices, and block cheese until pan is full.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg, evaporated milk, and salt and pepper (to taste). Pour this mixture over the macaroni dish, distributing evenly.
4. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown on top.
5. Enjoy!
Since travel is not an option right now, we are looking for interesting and inspiring flavors from around the world to spark your fascination, and maybe you'll even bring these delicious ingredients from around the world to your kitchen.
If you were as delighted by this mac & cheese as we were, bookmark this easy and tasty Guacamole recipe. See for yourself why sautéing the onions and garlic is a game-changer!