Cook Time: 35 minutes
Region of the world: Mexico
Recipe inspired by: Alejandra, Avoya Travel Team
- 4 Avocados - Mashed
- 2 Limes - Juiced
- 4 tablespoons of Cilantro - Chopped
- 1 Jalapeno (if desired for extra kick) - Minced
- 1 Roma Tomato - Diced
- 3 Cloves of Garlic - Minced
- 1/4 White Onion - Chopped
- Salt & Pepper as needed
1. Mix Avocado, lime juice jalapenos, cilantro, salt & pepper into the bowl and mash.
2. Sauté onion and garlic for about 5 minutes, until garlic becomes a little golden.
3. Mix sautéed onion and garlic into the bowl.
4. Mix in the chopped tomato.
5. Enjoy!
This recipe was provided by Alejandra from the Avoya Travel Team. Since travel is not an option right now, we are looking for interesting and inspiring flavors from around the world to spark your fascination, and maybe even bring these delicious ingredients from around the world to your kitchen.
If you enjoyed this Guacamole recipe, bookmark this flavorful Curry Chicken recipe, provided by our friends at At Her Table.